PKS 1652+398 (MKN 501)

RA: 16 53 52.30    DEC: +39 45 36.7    (J2000)


The magnitudes without errors (errors are denoted by parentheses) are taken from the USNO-A2.0 survey plates.
IDUSNO-A2 # (deg) (deg)U MagB MagV MagR MagI MagJ MagH MagK MagNOTES
obj1275-09106012253.46774539.760178 10.3 9.2     
11275-09105314253.44110939.735895 13.55(0.03)12.61(0.02)12.11(0.02)     
21275-09103366253.36890939.783250 14.10(0.03)13.23(0.02)12.79(0.02)     
31275-09103682253.38185339.788248 15.98(0.04)15.24(0.02)14.80(0.02)     
41275-09105425253.44530039.719267 16.05(0.05)15.30(0.02)14.96(0.02)     
51275-09106749253.49367539.800534 16.27(0.04)15.51(0.02)15.08(0.02)     
61275-09106568253.48784839.759787 16.82(0.05)15.67(0.04)14.99(0.04)     
Reference:Villata, et al., 1998, A&AS, 130, 305
RA/DEC arays | Comparison sequence .comp file

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Database last updated: 2005-03-11 at 19:01