PKS 1253-055 (3C 279)

RA: 12 56 11.24    DEC: -05 47 21.8    (J2000)


The magnitudes without errors (errors are denoted by parentheses) are taken from the USNO-A2.0 survey plates.
IDUSNO-A2 # (deg) (deg)U MagB MagV MagR MagI MagJ MagH MagK MagNOTES
obj0825-07869886194.046570-5.789250 15.5 15.2     
10825-07869823194.043023-5.837164 13.02(0.03)12.42(0.03)12.05(0.02)     
20825-07870956194.118637-5.739323 13.73(0.04)12.99(0.04)12.56(0.03)     
30825-07870848194.110812-5.756223 15.49(0.03)14.87(0.03)14.53(0.02)     
40825-07869010193.991812-5.738287 16.53(0.05)15.66(0.03)15.13(0.02)     
50825-07870098194.060423-5.779839 16.79(0.04)15.98(0.04)15.47(0.02)     
S0825-07869714194.035598-5.743106        Exhibits large-amplitude rapid variability
Reference:Raiteri, et al., 1998, A&AS, 130, 495
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Database last updated: 2005-03-11 at 19:01