PKS 1215+303 (ON 325)

RA: 12 17 51.22    DEC: +30 07 19.8    (J2000)


The magnitudes without errors (errors are denoted by parentheses) are taken from the USNO-A2.0 survey plates.
IDUSNO-A2 # (deg) (deg)U MagB MagV MagR MagI MagJ MagH MagK MagNOTES
obj1200-06875562184.46697330.116823 14.4 14.0     
A1200-06874240184.33767030.125450 14.39(0.02)13.70(0.02)12.6     
B1200-06875268184.43530930.162248 15.51(0.02)14.95(0.02)13.7     
C1200-06876814184.59640330.188473 15.66(0.02)15.17(0.02)14.2     
D1200-06876223184.53761730.159942 16.71(0.04)15.89(0.04)14.7     
Reference:Wing, 1973, AJ, 78, 684
RA/DEC arays | Comparison sequence .comp file

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Database last updated: 2005-03-11 at 19:01